Potty Protection Insurance Fundraiser

The Odom Elementary School in Moultrie, Georgia, formed the Potty Pack to raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, by selling “potty protection insurance”. For $10, you can have one of the tacky pink and purple toilets placed anywhere you choose, including local businesses or someone’s home. To have the potty removed, the recipient must pay $15. A second option is to pay $10 to have it passed on to someone else. If someone decides to be a “potty pooper” the group will remove the toilet for no charge. The team offers “potty protection insurance” for $25. This insurance ensures that the potties will not be delivered to your home or business.

The Azle, Texas High School Student Council, brought their traveling toilet to help raise funds to attend their annual State Convention. Enter the Traveling Toilet. The Toilet traveled from one yard to another for a price – $2 moved it out of your yard, $5 moved it out of your yard and into the yard of your choice, $6 moved it out of your yard and into some else’s and fix it so that the toilet never returns to your yard.

As part of Green Cove Springs, Florida‘s efforts to support the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life fundraising project, team members painted a toilet purple. For a donation, they would deposit the “pretty potty” (complete with flowers) on the yard of some lucky recipient. If you found it in your yard, you could make a donation to have it removed and sent somewhere else..A toilet around the town of Alton, IL has people talking. The colorful commode mysteriously circulating around area lawns is guaranteed to get a laugh from anyone who has seen or heard of it. But the toilet is serious business. All the proceeds from the toilet fund-raiser go to a wider effort by the youth group of Abundant Life Community Church to raise $25,000 by the end of the year to fund Project Rescue, which keeps teenage girls in the Eastern European country of Moldova out of the sex trafficking trade. The toilet, a surprise sight on the lawns of dozens of parishioners in the area since the beginning of May, has generated buzz from people wondering about the background story behind the newfangled lawn ornament. “People just hear toilet, they’re putting a toilet in the yard, but we want people to know that we’re strategically trying to raise money,” said Eric Hoffmann, Abundant Life youth pastor. “It shows you what a group of students can do,” Hoffmann said. “I tell them, ‘Because of you, another girl could be rescued off the street, taken out of sex trafficking in Moldova.'”

Pretzel Rods 970×90

Extortion never looked this flamboyant. A toilet, spray-painted pink and decorated with flowers, has recently been making the rounds in front yards across Nevada City, California. Homeowners who find the porcelain throne stuck in their yard can choose to pay $10 to have the toilet removed to a friend’s lawn, and an additional $5 to make sure it never appears on their property again. The gimmick is the design of Bear River sophomore who is participating in a hunger fundraiser sponsored by the youth group at her church, Sierra Presbyterian. She got the toilet from Habitat for Humanity and spray-painted it bright pink. Her father transports the toilet from location to location, and so far she’s estimated the plan has raised more than $1,200 since they began. Proceeds from the toilet removal service (victims can opt out if they don’t want to play along) go to an organization called World Vision, which feeds starving children in Africa.  Students in the youth group have been working on a hunger initiative recently, which included a 30-hour fast in order to better understand the effects of hunger, she said.

We have included a number of do-it-yourself fundraising ideas in this section that offer a break from traditional product sales.  They were developed by groups just like yours in an attempt have a little fun with their fundraiser. Some of them are tried and true while others show a lot of creativity … and even wackiness in some cases.  All of them are obviously not appropriate for every group, but sometimes, with only a little modification, your might find some fund raising ideas that are perfect for your group. If you have an idea for a do-it-yourself fund raiser you are willing to share with others, please send it to us via email. Include anything and everything you would want to know if you were hearing the idea for the first time.