Swim Team Fundraising Ideas

Swimming is great exercise and if your school or community has a pool, chances are they have a swim team. Swim teams hold fundraising events to help maintain the pool, for training equipment, or to raise funds and awareness for a good cause. Fundraising can be challenging, but it can also be fun.

One of the biggest decisions is often deciding what type of fundraiser to do. In Cleveland, The Solon Star Swim team held a car wash fundraiser to help defray the cost of a trip to compete in the “Swim Fort Lauderdale International Classic” as well as paying for training costs while in Florida. In Astoria, OR, the Seaside Swim Team made a splash with its annual swim-a-thon fundraiser. Fundraisers by other Swim teams include meets, lessons, penny drives, dinners, thons, raffles, and product sales.

Check out our complete list of fundraising products and do-it-yourself fundraising ideas for your next swim team fundraiser.


Do-It-Yourself Swim Team Fundraiser

You can also choose from a wide variety of swim team DIY fundraising ideas to supplement your program. How about a Lobster Race, Balloon Bust, Teacher Torture, Polar Bear Plunge or thons of every type? Perhaps one of these successful and creative ideas can be adapted for your swim team fundraiser.

Chicken Plunge – This fundraiser is a twist on the Polar Bear Plunge idea. If you were too chicken to enter the ocean in the winter, this was the plunge for you. Pools were available for those older and younger chickens who can’t plunge in the sea. Read more…

Cardboard Boat Race – A cardboard boat race is a common school-spirit competition fundraiser for students of high school and college age, or for any group as part of a community festival. An entry fee is charged for each “boat”. Read more…

Chinese Auction – It is not clear where the phrase “Chinese Auction” came from, but it is a wildly popular form of fundraising that is simple to put in place, extremely profitable and a lot of fun! A Chinese Auction is an event at which you bid for items with small tickets that have a predetermined dollar value. Read more…