Ball Drop Fundraiser
Collect used golf balls from your school, friends, or golf courses. Sell the balls for $5-$10 each. Number the balls and give each purchaser a receipt with the number of their ball. On the advertised day, dump all the balls from a front end loader, crane, plane or helicopter (lot of options here). The owner of the ball closest to the designated pin or hole wins a portion of the profit. This is much easier and less expensive (ie, more profitable) than conducting a rubber duck race and easier to clean up afterwards.
Alternate: Use tennis balls instead. On the advertised day, dump all the balls down a hill. You will need a front end loader to dump the balls, or a gate to hold the balls from rolling down the hill too early. The owner of the first ball to the designated finish line wins a portion of the profit. Ask everyone to pick up a ball after the event so that there aren’t stray balls all over the neighborhood.