Can & Bottle Drive Fundraiser
You start off about 1 or 2 weeks ahead of time by sending out or passing out flyers door to door telling the residents that you will be coming around on a designated date to collect cans and bottles for your fundraising project (i.e., a trip or charity). Then on that date that you designated you go door to door and collect the cans and bottles. You will need many cars (trucks are helpful) then take them back to a location to be sorted. After sorting take them to the recycling center and collect the dollars! Submitted by Wesley
Variation: We carry 30 gallon trash cans in our trucks and trailers. Each trash can has a 30 gallon plastic trash bag. Sort glass bottles into one can, plastic bottles into another can, aluminum cans into a third can. As each bag is filled, remove it and tie it closed. These “pre-sorted” bags are then carried to the return center. We find it to be much easier to sort “at the curb”, one grocery bag at a time, versus collecting all returnables and attempting to sort en-mass at the recycling center. We saved 6 hours of effort this year, using this change in process, versus last year. Submitted by: T.J. Malbouef, Cub Scout Pack 19, Grosse Pointe, Michigan