Fundraiser Insurance
Here is an novel fundraising idea for your organization or project. It works particularly well if you normally have several labor intensive, or product sales type fundraisers during the year. Instead of having several small fundraising projects, determine your total fundraising needs and sell “Fund-raiser Insurance”. For $25.00 (or whatever per capita figure you need to raise), a person gets a certificate and wallet sized card that states that they are insured from all fundraising activities for 6 months, or whatever period chosen. (If you are a school or other children’s group, determine the necessary amount per family.) If the person so wishes, they can purchase a policy for a year for $50.00 (or other appropriate multiple amount). Give your members a break by allowing them to simply purchase insurance for the required amount and save the hassle of dealing with multiple fundraisers. Source: The Perpetual Preschool (Upland, California)