Stock In Youth Fundraiser
The concept is to have the church “invest” in the spiritual future of the youth group. First, present a video commercial for the event you are fundraising for to the church on a Sunday morning. Then, explain that your group is “incorporating” under the laws of Heaven. Offer one share of stock for $5.00/share/per month for the next six months. Have the ushers pass out stock option slips so people can sign up for their commitment. Include the name, address, phone number and a place to write number of shares and dollar amount. When you get the commitments, prepare stock certificates—certifying how many shares the person bought.
Make them just like the ones used for real corporations. Mail them out to each person with an introduction letter, payment statements and mailing envelopes for three months. You can do a second mailing for the last three months to serve as a reminder. Then, after the fundraising event you are raising money for, hold a share holders dinner. Cook, serve and present to your share holders the benefits of their investment. (Be sure to include the cost of the dinner into what you need to earn.) Source: (Muskegon, Michigan)