PONY League Fundraising Ideas

PONY League is a baseball and softball league for boys and girls. Many PONY League teams need to have a fundraiser to pay for new uniforms and equipment, for venue improvements or sometimes for another local charity. Fundraising can be challenging, especially in a tough economy.

One of the biggest decisions is often deciding what type of fundraiser to do. In Fullerton, CA, the Fullerton PONY league held its annual Hit-A-Thon fundraiser, with each team having the opportunity to win a Pizza party and Ice-Cream party. In Aurora, IL, the local PONY league auctioned off baseball memorabilia as a fundraiser for field improvements. Fundraisers by other PONY League teams include exhibition games, clinics, team photos, dinners, product sales, restaurant nights, bake sales, raffles, and thons.

Check out our complete list of fundraising products and do-it-yourself fundraising ideas for your next PONY League fundraiser.

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Do-It-Yourself PONY League Fundraiser

You can also choose from a wide variety of PONY League DIY fundraising ideas to supplement your program. How about Rent-a-Kid, Clean Up, Food Fight, Flamingo Flocking, or thons of every type? Perhaps one of these successful and creative ideas can be adapted for your team’s fundraiser.

Baseball Marathon – The Brooklyn Cyclones minor league baseball team front office staff played baseball for 24 straight hours as a fundraiser and to raise awareness for local Brooklyn food shelters. The Cyclones took on teams of fans from five to 85 years old, consisting of the Borough President’s office, T-ballers, circus clowns, Coney Island freaks, The Old Boys of Summer, and more. Read more…

Grocery Bagger – We have kids bag groceries for our organization at local grocery stores for fundraising tips. Have a coffee can sitting at the end of the checkout and give the kids some basic bagging lessons beforehand…no bread on the bottom, etc. It’s a great time and the donations are pretty generous. Read more…

Celebrity Autographs – Write every celebrity you can think of and ask for an autographed something to auction off at your fundraising event. Lots of people collect autographs of the rich and famous. Send best-quality, blank note cards to famous people with a POLITE request for them to sign the supplied cards and the reason why you are asking. These guys may not be home, so be patient. Read more…