Battery Fundraiser
When thinking of a product to sell for your next fundraiser, batteries might not spring immediately to mind. But think about it for a moment and you’ll realize that it’s a great fundraising idea! We ALL use batteries. We use batteries in our household gadgets, our phones use batteries, our wall clocks use batteries, and let’s not forget about all those toys are kids love so much. Also, besides food and water, batteries are perhaps the most important items we can stock up on and pack into our emergency kits for both home and auto. There are all kinds of batteries, not just all those different sizes but also re-chargeable and lithium and recyclable and the list goes on. Why not consider batteries when considering your next fundraising campaign? There are lots of battery companies that work with non-profits and are ready to supply you with all the batteries you could possibly need. The companies below offer some quality battery fundraising programs which could be perfect for your next fundraiser.