A4 Promotions & Incentives (amipromo.co) – Ad specialties, meetings corporate, gifts, wearables, conventions, pens, hats, caps, sticky, giveaways, key chains, premiums, fundraising, tradeshow, logo, imprinted. [Sacramento, California]
All Pro Wrestling (allprowrestling.com) – Pin down big fund-raiser profits by forming a tag-team with All Pro Wrestling. [Hayward, California]
Anjoy Marketing (pawsponge.com) – Dog Paw Sponge pet product fundraising is the hot new item dog owners love supporting. [Pasadena, California]
Arc Marketing (arcmktg.com) – Fill that funding gap with a high profit fundraising car magnet! [Oceanside, California]
A to Z Fund Raising (atozfundraising.ne) – We provide fundraising products and programs for many sports leagues, schools, groups and teams throughout Northern California: gourmet desserts, seasonal catalogs and duffle bags. [Livermore, California]
Birdstone Winery (birdstonewinery.com) – Contact us for your next charity wine fundraiser. [Madera, California]
Books Inc (booksinc.net) executes large-scale, on site school book fair fundraisers throughout the school year. [Shasta City, California]
Branders (branders.com) – Offers Christmas fundraising ornaments. [Pasadena, California]
Calendarfundraising.com (calendarfundraising.com) created fundraising calendars for several schools and charities. They were so well received, we decided to create a freestanding business to exclusively specialize in customized online calendars for fundraising. [Garden Grove, California]
Card of Savings (cardofsavings.com) offers your organization fast, easy, and risk-free discount card fundraising campaigns. Our discount cards offer people a huge savings on restaurants, entertainment, shopping, and other services. [Pismo Beach, California]
Cattaneo Brothers (cattaneobros.com) – A unique selection of very profitable items for your fundraising event. Meat snacks sell anywhere, anytime! No refrigeration and will not melt like chocolate. [San Luis Obispo, California]
Charitable Wine (charitablewine.com) – Have a wine fundraiser up and running in three easy steps: [Los Angeles, California]
CharityMania! (charitymania.com) – Unique sweepstakes fundraisers based on the excitement of professional and college sports. You sell tickets to raise money and keep 70% as profit. [Del Mar, California]
Charity Works (charityworks.net) – We offer fundraising auction services and products with no financial obligation or risk to you or your charity. You only purchase what sells at your event. [San Ramon, California]
Christian Travel Finder (christiantravelfinder.com) – Whether you want to host a fundraising cruise or trip for your ministry or congregation or become better equipped to develop funds for your ministry. Christian Travel Finder has options for you. [Huntington Beach, California]
Christy Lane Enterprises (christylane.com) – Christy Lane Enterprises is your source for fund raising. [Palm Springs, California]
Comedy Train (comedytrain.net) – Want to raise money for your charity, school, or organization? Have a comedy show! Let the Comedy Train Comedy fundraising bring an entire show to you! [West Covina, California]
Cookbook Company (cookbookco.com) – Custom Cookbooks are a very popular fundraiser. With our easy online system of submitting recipes and number of people can help enter recipes. There is no charge for this service. [Glendale, California]
Cookbook Originals (cookbookoriginals.com) – Simple solutions for successful cookbook publishing. We help make the cookbook publishing experience fun and enjoyable. We provide personalized fundraising service and are committed to quality. [Fresno, California]
Creative Cookbook Company (creativecookbook.com) has been helping schools and organizations raise money since 1980. Our business philosophy is to provide quality cookbooks and great service to help you sell them. [Hunting Beach, California]
Custom Card Fundraising (customcardfundraising.net) – We will provide your group all of the tools and paperwork to go and get the contracts for your discount card. 50% to 90% profits. [Carlsbad, California]
Development Services Group (dsgfundraising.com) – Capital campaign fundraisers for churches, parish centers, renovation projects, and parochial schools. [Westlake Village, California]
DigiLabs (digi-labs.net) – Create a custom fundraising photo calendar for your group with pictures, group dates and sponsor information. Keep your organization, and your sponsors, in front of people all year long. Fundraising calendars makes a great church and school fundraising idea. [Palo Alto, California]
DJT Consulting Group (djtconsulting.com) – Offers resource development, strategic planning, evaluation, RFP management and proposal writing. [Oakland, California]
Dough-To-Go, Inc. (dough-to-go.com) – Offers over thirteen pre-portioned cookie and brownie dough products. Made like you would at home if you had the time. Twenty years of food service and fund raising experience. [Santa Clara, California]
Dynamite Casino Entertainment (dynamitecasino.net) – Casino night fundraisers are a popular and profitable way for organizations to raise money. Casino fundraisers influence and ensure good turnouts. [Cordova, California]
Earp Events & Fundraising (earpevents.com) – We’re a full-service event planning and fundraising firm offering more than 20 years of fundraising experience to accommodate your fundraiser needs. [Oakland, California]
Enginuity LLC (enginuity.com) – Fundraising program for your group. Educational games, your organization keeps 50% of all sales. No cost, no risk, no inventory, no door-to-door selling. Especially good for middle schools! [San Jose, California]
Esther’s Fine Jewelry (esthersfinejewelry.com) – Let us help you with your fundraising needs. We are a leading fine jewelry fundraiser in Southern California! Our clients include many of the large and medium-sized hospitals. [Montrose, California]
Fantastic Fundraising (fantastic-fundraising.com) currently produces discount coupon booklets throughout Southern California while mentoring fundraising companies throughout the U.S. [Hesperia, California]
FastTrack Fundraising (fasttrackfundraising.com) – Scratch cards are an easy way to ask for donations. Supporters scratch your personalized fundraising card, give a small donation up to $5.00, and receive a small gift in return for their donation. Raise $100 per card! [Los Angeles, California]
First Aid Mart (firstaidmart.com) – Our first aid fund raising program is a new & unique way to raise funds for schools, churches, non profits and other group. It is safe, easy and fun! 100% mark up / profit, fast and this time, you won’t be embarrassed asking for support – everyone needs a first aid kit! [Encinitas, California]
FirstAidProduct.com (first-aid-product.com) – Our first aid fundraising program … simple steps to big profits… 100% mark up or greater! 50% profit guarantee… first aid is needed everywhere … with this unique healthy alternative fundraising program you can meet your fundraising goals while offering a nice alternative to the typical candy, candles, magazines, and gift wrap! [Encinitas, California]
First Aid Store (firstaidstore.com) – Looking for a fast, easy and unique approach to fundraising for your school, church, non profit or other group this year? Our first aid kit fund raiser is the solution for a fun, healthy and safe fundraiser. [Encinitas, California]
FirstWay Fundraising (scratchandhelp.com) – Every Scratch & Help scratch card fundraiser booklet for your order is customized with your group’s name and logo. Each donor receives a valuable coupon pad with coupon discount offers from national merchants as a ‘thank you’ to your donors. [Mission Viejo, California]
Fishknits (fishknits.com) – Our custom knit hats are a popular fundraising item. Made with your school logo and colors, you will be on your way to a successful fundraising event. [Tracy, California]
Fortune Fundraising, Inc. (fortunefundraising.net) – From school-wide sales to dance studios to sports teams, we have provided successful fundraising brochures for over 20 years. [Long Beach, California]
Full House Casino Events (fhcevents.com) – If you are looking to host a casino night fundraiser, then contact our staff. {Irvine, California]
Fundraisers.org (fundraisers.org) – We make you more fundraising money! Chocolate, wrap, cookie dough, beef sticks, pledge programs, magazines, first-aid kits, flower bulbs, Easter items and more. [Mill Valley, California]
FundraisingCoffee.com (fundraisingcoffee.com) – Working with an award-winning coffee roaster, we’ve developed a simple gourmet coffee fundraising program. It’s a personalized, profitable, and straightforward fundraising solution for virtually any group. [Eureka, California]
Fundraising Solutions, Inc. (fundraisingsolutions-usa.com) specializes in distributing frozen food snack and dessert products for fundraising in the greater Sacramento area. [Fair Oaks, California]
Gateway Fund Raising Service, Inc. (gatewayfundraising.com) offers a variety of order taker fundraising programs and in-hand sale fundraiser items that will work for any fundraiser. [Concord, California]
Gibson & Associates (gibsonandassociates.com) – Provides grant development, planning, and evaluation methods for education, social service, and health programs. [Oakland, California]
Gift Checks Incorporated (giftchecksadventures.com) – If you want your group to have the easiest and most profitable discount book fundraiser around, look no further. [San Jose, California]
Giving Vines (givingvines.com) – A simple way for you to raise money with a wine fundraiser. [Napa, California]
Glimmers, Inc. (glimmersinc.com) – We give you – the non profits and other fund raising groups – our best wholesale prices. And we mean best because you are ordering in quantity. [San Mateo, California]
Global Toy Box, Inc. (customfundraisingproducts.com) – Custom fundraising lapel pins and awareness products online. [San Diego, California]
Golden Gate Fundraising (goldengatefundraising.com) has proudly served California schools, youth organizations and sports leagues since 1989 with fundraising brochures and seasonal gift catalogs. [Vacaville, California]
Golfbox.com (golfbox.com) – Prints custom logo golf balls with your organization logo on the ball, and photos of your team or group on the box as well! Several sizes. Major brands – fast production – fast fundraiser. [Brea, California]
Great Day Fundraisers (greatdayfundraisers.com) is a leader in wholesale distribution and service with a direct link to some of the finest products used in the fundraising industry: candy, giftwrap, candles, discount books and cookie dough. [Bakersfield, California]
Hansen Beverage Company (Hansens.com) – A natural fundraising program. No selling involved. Drink Hansen’s beverages and earn cash for your school. [Corona, California]
Happy Feet USA (usahappyfeet.com) – Specialized, oversized sneaker slippers for all ages. Unique fundraiser. [La Jolla, California]
Helen Grace Chocolates (helengrace.com) – Fundraising programs include chocolate bars, cookie dough, boxed chocolate, beef jerky, gift items and wrapping paper. [Rancho Dominquez, California]
Hudson & Company (spiritthrows.com) will create a custom throw, tote or pack for your organization that is truly unique. Our friendly and professional staff will assist you through the design process by exploring all creative options. The end result will be a professionally designed, one of a kind throw that will make your fraternity, sorority, reunion, group or school full of pride! [Roseville, California]
Innovative Plastics (plasticfab.com) – Our donation boxes are perfect for all your fund raising needs. Whether you need a small canister type donation box or a large floor standing donation / collection box we have what you need. [Huntington Beach, California]
Integrity Fundraising (ilove2fundraise.com) is proud to offer you Mrs. Fields frozen cookie dough and one dollar candy bars and much more. In North Orange County our new 2014 coupon book with $3000 of value is here and ready for your use. [Garden Grove, California]
In Your Faith Productions (inyourfaith.net) – We were never called to be bashful, we were called to spread the good news. In Your Faith provides a way for you to do just that with Christian bumper stickers for your next fundraiser! [Encinitas, California]
Jeff’s Famous Beef Jerky (jeffsgourmetjerky.com) – Have a beef jerky fundraiser to raise money for your local community group. [Mission Viejo, California]
Jerky Jerks (jerkyjerks.com) – Whether school, sports or any other project, Jerky Hut products make an excellent, not to mention, delicious tool to head up your fundraiser. [Chino, California]
Key Events, Inc. (keyevents.com) – Since 1991, Key Events has unlocked event opportunities for clients of every type. We are creative professionals and a superb resource for innovative ideas, expert planning and flawless production. [San Francisco, California]
Maestro Computing Services (pcmaestro.com) – Silent auction bidding systems: consulting services, auction preparation, guest list management, auction item management, event on-site bid processing, fundraising, and receipting and collections. [Culver City, California]
Make Playing Cards (makeplayingcards.com) – You can create your own custom board game from scratch. Fundraising possibilities? [Citrus Heights, California]
Mal Warwick & Associates, Inc (malwarwick.com) – Direct mail and Internet fundraising and marketing for nonprofit organizations. [Berkeley, California]
Maredy (maredy.com) – Get ready for fall with our new fundraising catalog that features gift wrap, gifts and treats that everyone is sure to like. You will find a great selection of gift wrap fundraising ideas. [Poway, California]
Monterey Company (montereycompany.com) – Using custom lapel pins in fundraising has been one of the most successful ways of commemorating an event. [Santa Barbara, California]
MontroseTravel.com (montrosetravel.com) – Are you looking for a great way to earn money for your organization? Travel is an excellent way to raise funds. Montrose Travel has helped many groups over the years earn money through group travel. [Montrose, California]
My Online Fundraiser (myonlinefundraiser.org) was developed as a simple way to raise money for any cause with online fundraising. [Burbank, California]
MyPhotoCreations (myphotocreations.com) – We put the fun back in fundraising! Create a custom fundraising photo calendar for your group with pictures of events, photos from your organization and include sponsor information. Keep your organization, and your sponsors, in front of people all year long. [Palo Alto, California]
Oak Mountain Winery (oakmountainwinery.com) – Contact us about holding a wine fundraiser. [Temecula, California]
On Duty, Inc. (onduty1.com) – No cost to your fundraiser! Free Shipping! 4 in 1 Emergency Tool: shuts off gas, shuts off water, pries open doors, digs through debris. [Yucaipa, California]
Pacific Fund Raisers (pacificfundraisers.com) – We are the first company to sell cheesecakes as a school-wide fundraiser. We offer the highest quality in our products and we have been successfully in the fundraising business for over 25 years [Pomona, California]
Pacific West Marketing (pacificwestmarketing.com) – Innovative and quality oriented products guaranteed to make your next fundraiser a special event. Featuring gourmet sauces, jewelry, candles, cosmetic sets, photo frames & albums, giftware, etc. [Laguna Niguel, California]
Peace Resource Project (peaceproject.com) – Wholesale prices for fundraisers for t-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, Frisbees, cups, posters, magnets; pre-made or with custom message. [Arcata, California]
Phone Fund (phonefund.com) – Provides a simple fundraiser program for your school, church, community organization, quickly, with no cost to you! Help save the environment and give new life to old cell phones! [San Rafael, California]
Piece of Cake Fundraising, Inc. (pieceofcakefundraising.com) – We provide 5-star fundraising food items at truly tempting prices. Our restaurant quality cheesecakes are simply not available through any other fundraising company or at any retail stores. [Rancho Cucamonga, California]
Planet Green Recycle (planetgreenrecycle.com) – Raise funds for your organization while saving the planet! Planet Green Recycle has already paid-out over $40,000,000 to thousands of participating organizations in North America. Start your recycle fundraising program today! [Chatsworth, California]
Planned Giving Coach (plannedgivingcoach.com) – Marketing ideas, model letters, policy statements, action plans, and gift descriptions that help nonprofit staff and volunteers start or enhance their planned giving program. [San Anselmo, California]
Plastics Products Mfg. (plasticproductsmfg.com) – Placing a donation box in a high-traffic area can be an effective way to raise money for and spread awareness about a cause; when it comes to selecting a donation box, you have several options. The choice you make should vary depending on your needs and ultimate goals. [Norco, California]
Playtogive, Inc. (playtogive.com) is revolutionizing the way nonprofits conduct fundraising by combining philanthropy, community, friendly competition, and fun into an online game contest. [Pasadena, California]
Popcornopolis (popcornopolis.com) – A proven fundraising program. A delicious gourmet popcorn product that people love, and that’s fun to sell. In fact, it practically sells itself. [El Segundo, California]
Premier Fundraising Services (pfundraising.com) – Our fundraising programs include catalog sales, magazines, cookie dough, pastries, etc. [Corona, California]
Premier Label Water Company (plwc.net) – Let us guide you to fundraising profits. [Los Angeles, California]
Primetime (primetimeinteractive.com) – Over the years we have helped many, many northern California schools, churches, and other special event groups raise over $75,000 in fundraising proceeds! [Paradise, California]
Raven Brand Products & Deli (ravenjerky.com) – We would like to express our appreciation for your interest in our fund raising program featuring our Raven Brand jerky .8oz package. Please note this program is to assist schools, churches, leagues, etc. in raising funds for children’s programs and money needs. [Armona, California]
Red Apple Fundraising (redapplefundraisingcalifornia.com) – You can now have a fundraiser for your school and group using Mrs. Field’s cookie dough. [Indio, California]
Safe Spray® (safespray.com) – Save lives and the quality of our environment, and fund raising by promoting child and pet safety, pollution prevention, and pesticide reduction with our exclusive product line. [Chico, California]
San Diego Pretzel Company (sandiegopretzel.com) produces hand made artisan soft pretzels and pretzel dogs that are available to the public for fundraising and wholesale to fundraising companies. [National City, California]
Scholars Discount Card (scholars-discount-card.com) – Our 2 discount card programs enable you to pinpoint your profits dependent upon your own level of involvement. [Riverside, California]
School Spirit Stickers (schoolspiritstickers.com) – Use car magnets for fundraising or to reward that special honor student. [Chino Hills, California]
Schwartz Company Fundraising Auctioneers (schwartzauctionco.com) – We are a true full fundraising company from consulting to day of event, no client to large or too small being we customize solutions to fit your budget. [Concord, California]
Shoes With Heart (shoeswithheart.com) offers shoe and clothes drives to any organization that needs a no cost fundraiser in San Diego County as well as other areas. [Temecula, California]
Signature Creations (signature-creations.com) – All of our custom blankets are made in the U.S.A., are 100% cotton, and machine washable. Throw blankets make a perfect fundraising or promotional product for your school, church, military group, or corporate gift. [Fresno, California]
Signature Fundraising, Inc. (signaturefundraising.com) is proud to offer our fundraising brochure program which includes items and gifts, and the best part is that your fundraiser can earn up to 50% [Lancaster, California]
SkeDaddle Fundraisers (skedaddlefundraisers.com) – When you work with us you’re working directly with the source. [San Diego, California]
SoCal Aloha (socalaloha.com) – Our Maui Wowi truck will bring smoothies and Hawaiian coffees to you. Take advantage of our “no work fundraisers”. We do all the work and then hand you a check for up to 20% of the sales. [Azusa, California]
Sip California (sipcalifornia.com) – Simply notify your supporters about your wine fundraiser. [throughout California]
Stitchware, Inc. (stitchware.com) – Novel & exciting embroidered products specifically intended for the high school fundraising market. Customized with your school name and/or mascot in your school colors. [Los Angeles, California]
Stocking Factory (fundraisingornaments.com) – Our Christmas ornaments are custom printed and delivered to you individually boxed – a perfect fundraiser! [San Fernando, California]
Successful Fundraisers (successfulfundraisers.com) – Fundraising for science camp, computers, trips, band equipment, uniforms, etc? Try our cookie dough and catalogs for your next fundraiser. [San Jose, California]
TasteBook, Inc. (tastebook.com) – The easiest way to earn cash for your school, church, or non-profit – the ultimate fundraising cookbook. [Berkeley, California]
Taylor Bed Sheets (taylorbedsheets.com) – School fundraisers with bed sheets is a central fundraising source for all types of school fundraising ideas. [Bakersfield, California]
Telosa Software, Inc. (telosa.com) – Powerful, affordable & easy-to-use fundraising software. Empowers nonprofits to organize their donor data, foster donor relationships & maximize fundraising efforts. [Palo Alto, California]
The VIP Card, Inc. (thevipcard.com) – If you are looking for non-profit discount card fundraising, trying to raise money for your schools, or looking to create a fabulously fun church fundraiser, look no further than The VIP Card. [Newhall, California]
Trading Connection (tradingconnectionusa.com) – A company that recycles used printer cartridges and pays you cash money for them instead of confusing points to deal with. See how easy it is to earn fundraising cash for your trash. [Canoga Park, California]
Uncorked Ventures (uncorkedventures.com) – We can help craft the perfect wine fundraiser for your organization. [San Mateo, California]
USAOpoly, Inc. (usaopolygames.com) can customize the most collectible board games in the world just for you! Think of the fundraising possibilities! [Carlsbad, California]
Value & Purpose (coincansforcharity.com) – Charity donation cans, pushke or pushka, tzedakah boxes for fundraising. Our cans are reusable with a [secure] metal ring/plug bottom. Any order over 200 units we waive the artwork charge. [Granada Hills, California]
Vegas Knights (funight.com) – Casino events are a legal and enjoyable way of fund raising while enjoying a memorable evening of realistic “Vegas style” casino entertainment. [Mission Viejo, California]
VillageFundraising.com (villagefundraising.com) – Newest and most unique product line ever including the all new Original Jelly Belly fundraiser & Enviro Vogue Designer Totes! Dare to compare our prices for candy, beef jerky, as they are the lowest on the internet! [Redding, California]
We Care Coffee Company (wecarecoffee.com) – Launch the most successful fundraiser you’ve ever had with a product people enjoy everyday! 3 programs to suit your group’s unique situation. [Newark, California]
Wine, Women and Shoes (winewomenandshoes.com) – Wine fundraisers created for women who enjoy fine wine, great style, and female camaraderie. [St. Helena, California]
Working Assets (workingassets.com) – Provider of long distance services and credit cards that earn charitable donations. [San Francisco, California]
Wright Popcorn & Nut Co. (wrightpopcorn.com) – Fundraising is an important venture for any organization. Popcorn is an inexpensive and well loved snack food with a large profit potential for you or your organization. [San Francisco, California]
Yearbox Custom Calendar Printing (yearbox.com) – Custom fundraising wall calendars and desk calendars with discounted pricing for nonprofits. Completely customized with as much text, images, etc. as you need. [San Jose, California]