Humane Society Fundraiser

Source: Miami County Humane Society  

You can help! All we need are your receipts and/or proof-of-purchase symbols from various products. The fundraising programs we are currently involved in are:

Dad’s Have a Heart Program: How Does Have a Heart Work? The program is simple. Save proof-of-purchase symbols from all Dad’s cat or dog foods, including Kibble Select. Then send the symbols to the Miami County Humane Society. The Humane Society sends them to Dad’s Products and redeems them for cash. The symbols are worth between 2 and 10 cents, depending on the package size.

Homeless Homer: Save Homeless Homer symbols from all Heinze pet food products. Some examples are Kibble ‘n Bits, Gravy Train, Gaines Burgers, Snausages, Meaty Bones, Cycle, 9 Lives, Pounce, and more. Look for the Homeless Homer symbol on the package, cut it out, and save it. When you get enough to make it worth your while, send them to the Miami County Humane Society.

Dorothy Lane Market’s Good Neighbor Program: If you shop at Dorothy Lane Market, or know anyone who does, get and use a Club DLM card. When you use it, go to the service booth and designate the Miami County Humane Society as the non-profit organization you wish to support. The Humane Society will get 1% of what you spend at the store.

Community Cash: Save store receipts from Fulmer, Bob & Carl’s, Sack ‘N Save, Ev’s, Community Markets, or Great Scot Supermarkets. The Humane Society can turn them into cash.

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Community Club Awards (CCA): Save receipts from the following sponsors. Send them to the Miami County Humane Society. We can turn them in to Clear Channel Communications and they will give us a cash award for them The sponsors are:

  • Pepsi products, labels from 20-oz, 1-liter, and 2-liter bottles, proof-of-purchase symbols from 6-, 12-, or 24-can packs. Store receipts will get us additional cash.

  • All Dayton Mall stores receipts, including food courts and kiosks.

  • Schwebels bread wrappers. Store receipts will mean extra points toward cash.

  • Esther Price store and grocery receipts. Circle price on receipt.

  • Danbarry Cinemas ticket stubs.

  • Hot Spring Spa receipts.

  • Frickers, receipts or ask for CCA receipt.

  • Arbys receipts.

  • Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken receipts.

  • Fantastic Sams receipts.

  • Butler Heating and A/C receipts.

  • Donatos pizza receipts. Ask for an itemized receipt. We get extra points for specialty pizzas.

  • Kil’n Time Cafe in the Oregon District.

  • Ed Smith’s Flowers and Gifts.

  • The Blind Spot.

  • Joker’s Comedy Cafe.

  • Nabisco cookies and crackers, proof of purchase symbol. Receipts will mean extra points toward cash.

We have included a number of do-it-yourself fundraising ideas in this section that offer a break from traditional product sales.  They were developed by groups just like yours in an attempt have a little fun with their fundraiser. Some of them are tried and true while others show a lot of creativity … and even wackiness in some cases.  All of them are obviously not appropriate for every group, but sometimes, with only a little modification, your might find some fund raising ideas that are perfect for your group. If you have an idea for a do-it-yourself fund raiser you are willing to share with others, please send it to us via email. Include anything and everything you would want to know if you were hearing the idea for the first time.