Dolly’s School Bus Adventure Fundraiser

I work for a non-profit organization and one of the fundraisers we had was very simple and raised $750.00. Our senior center is in an old elementary school. We lease the far end to Head Start. We bought a doll and a toy school bus for the Head Start children and wrapped them in see-through cellophane tied with a large bow and put them in the display case closest to the cafeteria. We cut out paper school buses from bright yellow paper and sold them for $1 each. As they were purchased, the buyers would put their names (or their children or grandchildren’s names) on them.

They were then taped to the wall and trailed down the hallways from the cafeteria to the closest Head Start classroom. As each display class was reached the doll and bus were then moved to that case. It took about 3 months for the buses to reach the Head Start destination, at which time the children took possession of the toys.  Source: Susan S., Washington Life Center, Marine City, MI)

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We have included a number of do-it-yourself fundraising ideas in this section that offer a break from traditional product sales.  They were developed by groups just like yours in an attempt have a little fun with their fundraiser. Some of them are tried and true while others show a lot of creativity … and even wackiness in some cases.  All of them are obviously not appropriate for every group, but sometimes, with only a little modification, your might find some fund raising ideas that are perfect for your group. If you have an idea for a do-it-yourself fund raiser you are willing to share with others, please send it to us via email. Include anything and everything you would want to know if you were hearing the idea for the first time.