Goating Fundraiser
The Hormel Historic Home fundraiser in Austin, Texas, netted more than $10,000 for their building expansion project with their “goating” fundraiser. At least 150 people were “goated” — a pair of 3-year-old pygmy goats was placed on their lawn, and they had to pay $50 to have the animals removed. For a $40 donation residents could request a “goating.” Once removed, that resident could donate $40 and select a different target. “Goating insurance” was also available for a $40 donation. Many victims never even saw goats — they paid the money upfront when notified they were “next.” Fourteen volunteers set up the “goatings,” hauling the animals from lawn to lawn and collecting donations. The 3-year-old pygmies were on loan from Stephanie Stark, a volunteer at the Hormel Home. Sources: Michel Carty & Tina Moyer, South Shore Junior Women’s Club of New Jersey