Job Cards Fundraiser
Each volunteer writes on a 3″x5″ card what they would be willing to do for fundraising for pay (i.e. painting, car washing, cleaning, yard work, babysitting). These cards were placed on a table during our spaghetti fundraising supper so adults could take note of the youths’ abilities and areas of interest. The kids got paid better by not setting a fee and letting the “purchaser” make a freewill donation.
Variation: Our preschool conducted a “GIVE & TAKE” fundraising event. On a big foam board located outside of the classroom, families can post services they are willing to GIVE or services they want to TAKE. Each service has a pledged donation amount that will go to the preschool. When a family selects a service they remove the pledge card and present it to the author. Examples are: to GIVE – babysitting @ $5 an hour, a home cooked meal delivered to your home for $20, a day with the teacher for $30. To TAKE – furniture moving @ $75, Saturday babysitting for a $25 donation, “taxi service home” for two children @ $10 a week. The list continues to grow and is a perfect fundraising idea for our cooperative preschool. Sources: Mennonite 1999 Youth Convention (Elkhart, Indiana) and The Perpetual Preschool (Upland, California)