Spell-A-Thon Fundraiser
Every year, my children’s elementary school holds a “Spell-A-Thon” as their primary PTA fundraiser. Each grade level is given a grade-level appropriate list of words and a pledge sheet. Sponsors can offer a per-correct-word donation or a flat donation. I particularly like doing the per-correct-word donation since it gets my 4th grader to actually study his spelling words. Since everything is run in-school (no outside companies to take a cut) and the prizes come from the PTA’s school store, the PTA makes nearly a perfect 100% profit! Our PTA is outstanding and uses the money for things such as buying extra school supplies so the underpaid teachers don’t have to do it, buying new A-V equipment for all the classrooms, and keeping a fund for students who forget to bring lunch money (promptly repaid when the student does remember). Submitted By: Chris & Cynthia B.