Teacher Torture Fundraiser
School principal picks as many teachers as he/she feels will willingly participate – no party poopers! The principal also has to play (to be fair of course). The principal then selects an “appropriate” activity that each teacher has to do such as: kiss a pig, color hair a wild color, dress outrageously, roller skate, etc. Be creative! Have fun! The teachers vote on what the principal has to do. Get a large jar for each teacher and the principal. Write the name of the each teacher and the principal and their “assigned activity” on their individual jars. Put the jars where someone can keep an eye over them – preferably in a high traffic area. Students, teachers, parents, and other school employees “vote” by depositing money into the jar(s). At the end of the fundraising event, the three (five, etc) teachers who have the most money in their jars, have to do their assigned activity. Have the “winners” perform their activity at a pep rally or other regular assembly, or hold a special assembly just for the fundraiser. Contributed By: Middle School Student Council (Piedmont, Oklahoma)