Topless Car Wash Fundraiser
Got your attention, huh? This is run just like a regular fundraising car wash. Advertise that it’s a “Topless” car wash and set up the car washing area behind a business where it can’t be seen from the street. People will flock to it out of pure curiosity! Designated hunks and “hunketts” lure people to the car wash. When the driver pulls into the wash area they find that a “Topless” car wash means 1) the bottom of the car is washed free but a donation of $X is required if they want the top washed; 2) the entire car is washed except for the roof for $X and for an additional $Y you wash the top; 3) convertibles with the top down (topless) get a free wash, or 4) have pretty girls in bikinis holding the signs in front, but (topless) guys doing the washing. Pick the option you like best and come up with a variation of your own. Folks are generally pretty good natured and appreciate the ingenuity.
Animal Group Option: All your animals in attendance will only wear shorts (with holes cut out for their tails) and won’t be wearing any shirts, hence they are topless!
Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council sponsored a “topless” car wash fundraising event to raise money for fall recruitment. Okay, all of you who were thinking of half-naked girls and soapsuds are wrong. The name of the car wash is intended to catch the attention of students and members of the community. A “topless” car wash is a fund-raising idea where the organization will wash the bottom half of a person’s vehicle for free. In order for the members to wash the top half, they must be given a donation, thus the car wash is “topless.”
It seems the name alone has made this a successful fundraising event. The chapter that came up with this idea set up their car washing area behind a business. Designated people were to lure people to the car wash. When the driver pulled behind the business, they found out that “topless,” in fact, meant that if they wanted the top of their car washed it required a donation.
A traditional car wash can raise money every time you hold one. Usually using a nearby business as the parking lot and water supply works well for that. However, giving anything a little twist will increase the income. We advertised our car washes as a “Topless Car Wash,” which attracted many customers. The real meaning is that we would wash all but the roof for maybe $2, or the entire car for $3. This means $2 got you a topless wash, or $3 got you the real deal. It was a great way to bring in the customers. Also advertising with face paint and signs along highways attracted many people.
Stetson University’s Circle K held a topless fundraising car wash at DeLand’s Wal-Mart to raise general funds for their club. Before anyone calls the police, the members themselves did not go topless. Members washed the bottoms of cars for free, but charged $3 for the top. The logic behind this was that no one just wants the bottom of his or her cars washed. If they didn’t, they’d have a “topless” car wash. The day was busy, with many cars stopping by. In fact, members lost track of all of the cars! All the cars that stopped by wanted the whole car washed, and a few people were so amused by the members’ creativity that they donated more than the required $3.